Thursday, January 31, 2013

Magnesium and Atrial Fibrillation

Magnesium and Atrial Fibrillation

(NaturalNews) "Create the Disease and Offer the Cure" appears to be the overriding mandate of allopathic medicine subsuming what I learned in medical school - "First Do No Harm."

The most recent "disease" is asymptomatic atrial fibrillation. The article on a physician's site reads "Asymptomatic Atrial Fibrillation: Should You Be Concerned?" And, of course, the conclusion is 'Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid.' That's the essence of 'marketing disease to the masses' that I talked about in my Death by Modern Medicine book. Here's a shocking excerpt:

"Famed Madison Avenue wunderkind, Albert Lasker, considered the "Father of Modern Advertising", was also a central player in the "Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet" campaign. Right after the successful Lucky Strike campaign was over, Lasker, having made the most money in the history of advertising, decided to retire and go into a new direction. He wanted to become a fundraiser for medical research.
In 1942, Lasker and his wife, Mary, founded the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation. In 1943, already associated with the American Cancer Society (ACS), the Laskers literally doubled the amount of money raised for cancer research that year. From that point on, the Laskers used all the Madison Avenue propaganda techniques Albert knew to condition the public to generously support funding for cancer research. The campaign strategy couldn't be simpler. Their friend and ACS ally, Elmer Bobst, president of the American branch of Hoffmann-LaRoche and later Warner-Lambert drug company, would start every public speech with, "One in five of us here - every fifth person in the audience - will die of cancer" then turn the fear he had engendered into hope by then stating, "We want to cure cancer in your lifetime."

With this "fear and hope" message, the ACS enlisted millions of unpaid volunteers to carry the message door to door and remind the public, especially during April which eventually was deemed "Cancer Month" by none other than the President of the United States, that if enough money was raised, cancer could be beaten. Thus was created an industry awash in money for research and treatment that many critics now call "Cancer, Incorporated". Some of these same volunteers have been rendered penniless when the cost or their own cancer treatment bankrupted them and their family.

Health charities like the American Cancer Society, or the Arthritis Foundation, or the American Diabetes Association became the public relations arm for each disease. Each charity would first build on the fear of getting their dread disease and convince people that money was the cure. The promise of that cure was just around the corner, if only enough money could be raised to research their particular disease. As the years rolled by, health charities focused on hustling the message to the public both nationally and at the local level to keep each disease visible through local fund drives, special events and the like while much of the money they raised went to lobbyists in Washington to raise the big bucks."

Did that strategy work? Not by a long shot. The one-in-five people dying of cancer in their lifetime is now one in two. But as I say in my book:

"Why Fix a System That's Earning Billions
Drug companies and modern medicine do not see the need to change what they are doing. After all they are making billions of dollars, so their strategists wonder why they should change a winning game. Doctors are earning a sizeable income, and American medical conventions attract 20, 000-30,000 participants where newer and more expensive drugs and surgical techniques are touted. Modern medicine is very pleased with the monopoly it has created. However, for the majority of North Americans, modern medicine is a losing game."

As I mentioned above, one of the newest diseases that we have to fear is asymptomatic atrial fibrillation. Some of you who are readers of my free online newsletter may remember me announcing that I'd won an award from a prestigious heart rhythm association called "" presented at The Heart Rhythm Congress organized by the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), Sept 23-26, 2012. The Nutritional Magnesium Association issued a Press Release highlighting the award and the importance of magnesium.

Magnesium being recognized by a heart rhythm association is a step in the right direction but then I read articles about atrial fibrillation and see no mention of using magnesium as a primary intervention. In fact, modern medicine says the cause of atrial fibrillation is still unknown, yet, the incidence is increasing each year.

Why is that? Because our collective magnesium deficiency is now epidemic. The heart rhythm is maintained by the electrical activity of the heart muscle and nerves. That electrical activity is maintained by the proper balance of magnesium and calcium. When there is too much calcium, as there is in our modern diet, and too little magnesium, because it's been absent from our agricultural soil for decades, then the heart rhythm is, by definition, going to falter. At that point, surgically implanted pacemakers, surgical ablation of sites of aberrant activity, and drugs will not change the fact that the heart doesn't have enough magnesium to keep it beating properly. The heart has more magnesium than any other organ in the body, which should tell you something about its importance.

Believe me, most doctors don't want to harm their patients. Perhaps, that's why they only seem to be able to diagnose about 4% of drug side effects because they don't want to think drugs are harmful. In medical school we learned nothing about magnesium or any other nutrients, and at the same time we were told that we would learn all there was to know about disease and the treatment of disease and anything else was just quackery.

So, it's left up to you to educate your doctor so you can get help in weaning off drugs. Tell your doctor what symptoms have cleared up with the use of magnesium. Chances are your doctor is suffering from many of the same symptoms and might just begin using magnesium and see the benefits and then pass that knowledge on to their patients. You could be saving your own life and the lives of many others.

About the author:
About the author:
Dr. Carolyn Dean is The Doctor of the Future. She is a medical doctor and naturopathic doctor in the forefront of the natural medicine revolution since 1979. 

She has two published patents on novel health products such as RnA Drops and more in the pipeline. 

Dr. Dean is the author/coauthor of over 30 health books (print and eBooks) including The Magnesium Miracle, Death by Modern Medicine, IBS for Dummies, IBS Cookbook for Dummies, The Yeast Connection and Women's Health, Future Health Now Encyclopedia, Death by Modern Medicine, Everything Alzheimers, and Hormone Balance. 

She is on the Medical Advisory Board of the non-profit educational site - Nutritional Magnesium Association ( Her magnesium recommendations can be found under Resources on her website. 

Dr. Dean has a free online newsletter and a valuable online 2-year wellness program called Future Health Now! She also runs a busy telephone consulting practice. Find out more at,, and

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Railway Track Therapy

'Railway Track Therapy' The New Health Mania among Indonesians

A new craze has emerged among some of the people of Jakarta in Indonesiathat an ailing patient can be relieved of his sickness by lying down across the railway lines. They believe that the low-voltage electric current in the tracks will cure them as it passes through their bodies. According to local media reportsthese people believe it can cure all kinds of diseases, from diabetes to high-blood pressure to insomnia.
Until recently around 50 people used to visit the railway tracks daily to seek this therapy. In order to curb this dangerous practice the Railway officials have erected signs warning of the dangers of the fad, threatened penalties of a three-month jail term and fines equivalent of £1,200 for those who flout the ban on the practice. After this the numbers have dropped but some people still remain undeterred and come looking for free "electric therapy.
This dangerous practice came into existence with a local rumour about a man who tried to commit suicide as he was fed up after suffering paralysis from a stroke and medical treatment failed to cure his symptoms. He laid down on the tracks with the intention of killing himself but claimed that the track therapy had instead cured him.
Read full here....

Rescuing Baby Deer

Police state gone wild: Couple facing 60 days in jail for rescuing injured baby deer

(NaturalNews) An Indiana couple saved a wounded baby deer and nursed it back to life, saving its life and giving it a home. They named it "Little Orphan Dani." When Indiana state officials got word of this courageous act of compassion, they ordered the deer euthanized. (Because government wants to kill everything you love.)

When the deer "escaped" right before it was schedule to be killed -- and yes, I think the couple probably set it free rather than have it killed -- the man and woman were charged with unlawful possession of a deer.

They now face $2,000 in fines and 60 days in jail.

This is yet another example of the government police state gone wild, and it's on top of seemingly countless other stories of similar police state insanity such as armed government raids on raw milk distributors.

Click here for more details on this story from ABC News.

Click here for the Facebook support page calling for charges to be dropped against the couple.

Click here for the petition.

Who wants to kill the deer and imprison the couple? The DNR

The bastard a@#holes behind this action are, predictably, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR). This is the same name as the department in Michigan that forced small farmers in that state to murder their own baby pigs.

What we are seeing today across America, both at the state and federal levels, is big government gone BAD, ignoring the real criminals at the top while threatening, fining and imprisoning the "little people" who are only trying to do the right thing.

Recent examples:

Michigan gardener Julie Bass was threatened with jail time for teaching her young son gardening skills in a home garden planted in her front yard.

A woman in Tulsa, Oklahoma had her medicinal garden destroyed by thuggish government "officials" who waited until she was gone before gutting her entire plot of edible herbs.

James Stewart, the California "raw milk man," was subjected to unbelievable jail torture in LA county for the "crime" of distributing fresh farm milk to happy customers. His "Rawesome Foods" was hit with an armed multi-agency government raid during which $50,000 in fresh eggs, milk, fruit and meat was confiscated and then destroyed. As he was held in jail in LA county, he was subjected to starvation, hypothermia and having his jail cell intentionally flooded with raw human feces as punishment.

These are just a few of the many examples of the government police state gone mad in America. There are many more for anyone who dares to look.

Government has become too large, too powerful, too arrogant and too dangerous

The big picture in all this? America's current government is a grave danger to America herself. We are living under increasing tyranny, total government surveillance of our emails, texts and phone calls, and selective enforcement of laws in order to punish the little people while the powerful elite run free.

As an example of that, New York Mayor Bloomberg insists that everyone in New York should be stripped of all their firearms, but he walks around with five armed goons who intimidate journalists for daring to ask questions about Bloomberg's outrageous hypocrisy.

America is being divided into the "privileged" class versus the working class. The privileged elite are immune to virtually all prosecution of existing laws while the working class are subjected to every nit-picking technical violation of every law imaginable. Nearly every person alive today commits three felonies a day without even knowing it. In fact, that's the title of an eye-opening book by Harvey Silverglate.

As the book's description states:

The average professional in this country wakes up in the morning, goes to work, comes home, eats dinner, and then goes to sleep, unaware that he or she has likely committed several federal crimes that day. Why? The answer lies in the very nature of modern federal criminal laws, which have exploded in number but also become impossibly broad and vague. In Three Felonies a Day, Harvey A. Silverglate reveals how federal criminal laws have become dangerously disconnected from the English common law tradition and how prosecutors can pin arguable federal crimes on any one of us, for even the most seemingly innocuous behavior.

That's why this couple is being terrorized by their government for saving a little Bambi. The government wants to remind them who's in charge, and the way to do that is to abandon all common sense and compassion and engage in the raw exercise of brute force power.

All government operates with the threat of violence against us all

Remember: All government operates at the end of a gun. Government achieves compliance solely by the threat of violence against the People. This is what is brilliantly revealed by Lew Rockwell and other intelligent critics of big government.

The reason government wants all Americans disarmed right now is because it wants a monopoly of violence that can be used against people to destroy their home gardens, criminalize saving animals, mandate forced vaccines, shut down medicinal herb companies and routinely terrorize the people. Even while the government wants us all to be disarmed, it is buying up thousands of full-auto assault rifles as well as over a billion rounds of ammunition to be used domestically, inside the USA.

Have you figured it out yet? There is no Al-Quaeda. There is no Bin Laden. The real terrorists are power-hungry government berserkers within our own government, and they will stop at nothing to usurp power and enslave the masses.

I've been shouting this for years, and with each astonishing transgression of this liberty-crushing government, more and more people are waking up. Every time the government threatens another innocent gardener, parent or animal rescue person with imprisonment, tens of thousands of people hear about it and wake up to the reality that government in America has gone rogue. It no longer serves the People. Instead, it considers the People to be its enemy, and it is dedicated to crushing the People.

It's time we put government in its place. It's time we took a stand for all the innocent victims of the terrorist government currently running things in this country. It's time we stopped the government bailouts to rich, wealthy banksters and the criminalization of routine human activities like saving wounded animals or growing home gardens.

I've had enough. Have you? Are you ready yet to call for the end of tyrannical government and the restoration of justice, liberty and the Bill of Rights? Keep reading Natural News because this story has only just begun.

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Banned Raw Milk

Urgent: Big Ag group trying to ban raw milk sales in South Carolina - your help needed to stop this tyranny
(NaturalNews) It has come to our attention that the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF), a national non-governmental organization that claims to represent the interests of American farmers, is right now attempting to covertly eliminate the freedom of South Carolina farmers to sell raw milk at the retail level. One of only a few states that currently recognizes the freedom of individuals to buy and sell raw milk legally, South Carolina is basically being accosted by this Big Ag front group, which will attempt to eliminate raw milk freedom in the Palmetto State at a special meeting to be held on Friday, January 25, 2013, at 12:00 pm.

According to an insider alert we just received, the South Carolina Dairy Advisory Committee (SCDAC) will consider a proposal made by AFBF, which is strongly and vocally opposed to individuals having the freedom to buy and sell raw milk, to eliminate an existing state statute that recognizes the freedom of South Carolina farmers who are properly permitted to sell raw milk at the retail level. In its place, AFBF wants SCDAC to implement policies that reflect its own biased views towards raw milk, which for all intensive purposes would ban the sale of raw milk for human consumption throughout the state.

"Delegates approved a new policy that states only pasteurized milk and milk products should be sold for human consumption," states the heinous proposal that AFBF is pushing SCDAC to adopt. "Delegates approved the measure in light of the potential risks to public health and food safety posed by consumption of raw milk."

Science reveals raw milk is safe

Based on AFBF's track record of lobbying, it is hardly surprising that the organization would side with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in clinging to a completely unscientific and outdated view of raw milk safety. After all, AFBF is the same organization that back in 2012 aggressively opposed reasonable restrictions that would have limited the use of antibiotics in factory-farmed animals, erroneously claiming that doing so would somehow negatively affect public health (when quite the opposite is true).

Now, AFBF is making similar inaccurate claims with its surreptitious attack on raw milk in South Carolina. Based on data published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), raw milk is linked, at most, to causing only 42 sicknesses nationwide every year. And most of these cases cannot definitively be linked to raw milk -- they are merely assumed to be the cause of illness, as the government has a unabashed and completely irrational bias against raw milk.

But even if all 42 of these annual cases could be conclusively linked to raw milk, the overall risk associated with raw milk consumption would still be ridiculously low, as roughly 10 million Americans consume raw milk on a regular basis. The federal government's own data proves that Americans are 35 thousand times more likely to get sick from many other foods legally sold at grocery stores than they are from raw milk (

Take Action

Since the meeting takes place in less than 24 hours, it is crucial that the health freedom community band together as one to immediately oppose this assault on raw milk. NaturalNews readers are urged to contact both David Winkles, Jr., President and CEO of the South Carolina Farm Bureau, and Bob Stallman, President of AFBF, and urge them not to infringe on the freedom of South Carolinians to buy and sell raw milk. In your calls and emails, be sure to explain to these gentlemen that:

1) Raw milk is a safe food, rich in living enzymes and beneficial probiotic bacteria, that can actually improve health. People have been safely consuming raw milk for millennia, and many countries today allow raw milk sales without issue, including in Europe where raw milk vending machines can be spotted on street corners.

2) Scientific data supports the safety of raw milk that is properly regulated.

3) A movement away from regulated raw milk will adversely affect the citizens of South Carolina who rely on it for health.

4) If raw milk is made illegal, other potentially unsafe avenues like underground sales will quickly emerge, similar to what occurred during alcohol prohibition.

You can contact David Winkles, Jr. at:
(803) 936-4211

You can contact Bob Stallman at:

Remember to be polite, but assertive, in your correspondence. Without enough push-back, we can stop this blatant attack on raw milk from succeeding. But we must act now to show these bullies that we are paying attention, and that we will not succumb to their attempts to steal even more food freedom from Americans.

Sources for this article include:

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Monday, January 21, 2013

Heart attack

Berries dramatically slash heart attack risk

(NaturalNews) Imagine how excited Big Pharma executives would be if they could come up with a drug that could slash women's risk of heart attacks by one-third. To top it off, what if this prescription could be conveniently taken three times a week and -- as an added bonus -- what if the medicine tasted great and had no side effects? Drug makers would have doctors pushing these pills as a "miracle drug" and Big Pharma would rake in millions of dollars.

However, there's no drug that can do all of the above -- but there is a natural food prescription that appears to do what Big Pharma's chemicals can't. According to research just reported in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Associationeating three or more servings of blueberries and strawberries per week appears to slash women's risk of a heart attack by about one-third.
"We have shown that even at an early age, eating more of these fruits may reduce risk of a heart attack later in life," Aedin Cassidy, Ph.D., lead author and head of the Department of Nutrition at Norwich Medical School of the University of East Anglia, said in a media statement.

The scientists behind the study, who are from the Harvard School of Public Health and the University of East Anglia in the UK, note there are high levels of naturally occurring compounds called dietary flavonoids in blueberries and strawberries. These flavonoids are also found in grapes and wine, blackberries, eggplant, and other fruits. According to the new research, berries contain a specific sub-class of flavonoids, called anthocyanins, which help keep arteries open, and may provide other cardiovascular benefits -- including preventing the buildup of heart attack-causing plaque.

The researchers came up with their results by studying 93,600 women between the ages 25 to 42 who were registered with the Nurses' Health Study II. The women filled out questionnaires about their diet every four years for 18 years and, during this time, 405 heart attacks occurred. It turns out that the women who ate the most blueberries and strawberries had a large reduction in their risk of heart attack, about 32 percent, compared to women who ate the berries once a month or less. The findings held up even when the research team looked at possible risk factors for heart attack -- such as age, high blood pressure, family history of heart attack, body mass, exercise, smoking, caffeine or alcohol intake.

"Blueberries and strawberries can easily be incorporated into what women eat every week," Eric Rimm D.Sc., senior author and Associate Professor of Nutrition and Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, said in a press statement. "This simple dietary change could have a significant impact on prevention efforts."


About the author:
Sherry Baker is a widely published writer whose work has appeared in Newsweek, Health, the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Yoga Journal, Optometry, Atlanta, Arthritis Today, Natural Healing Newsletter, OMNI, UCLA's "Healthy Years" newsletter, Mount Sinai School of Medicine's "Focus on Health Aging" newsletter, the Cleveland Clinic's "Men's Health Advisor" newsletter and many others.

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Wheat belly

Gluten confirmed to cause serious weight gain, or 'wheat belly' - scientific research

(NaturalNews) The case against gluten seems to have been closed with recent research from a Brazilian research team that published a report in the January 2013 Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. It seems to have put an exclamation point on the wheat belly controversy.

Lacking scientific data confirming the mechanics of how gluten may or may not affect obesity, the study was set up to examine the differences in specific genetic and biochemical markers between rats fed gluten and rats that were kept gluten free.

The "wheat belly" syndrome and how it leads to other health issues was the purpose of their research. The research team chose biological markers that could indicate the onset of obesity and metabolic syndrome, precursors to diabetes and cardiac issues.

Both groups of rats were fed high fat diets. But one group was gluten free and the other group's diet was 4.5 percent gluten. Even without tracing their predetermined markers, it was obvious the gluten free mice exhibited weight loss without any trace of lipid (fat) excretion.

An analysis of the study

Sayer Ji of proposed this analysis: "... the weight gain associated with wheat consumption has little to do with caloric content per se; rather, the gluten proteins ... disrupt endocrine and exocrine processes within the body, as well as directly modulating nuclear gene expression ... to alter mamalian metabolism in the direction of weight gain."

This study report, according to Sayer Ji proves that the major factor of obesity is gluten, not calories. Considering that both groups of mice were fed high fat diets and the gluten free mice lost weight without excreting lipids also implies that fat free diets for losing weight are bogus. This has been suspected by other nutritional experts who've abandoned matrix thinking.

Sayer Ji recommends that those who are overweight, pre-diabetic, experiencing metabolic syndrome, or suffering from irritable bowel syndrome try avoiding gluten grains, especially wheat, to determine from experience if gluten is the underlying cause.

There is evidence that gluten can be a factor in gut and psychology syndrome (GAPS) and even autism. (

So how did wheat, "the staff of life," become a weed of disease.

Wheat is not the same today. It has been agriculturally hybrid, not genetically lab engineered over some decades to resist fungus, grow more quickly, and be more pliable for industrial bread baking. As a consequence, 50-60 years ago wheat containing only five percent gluten has become 50 percent gluten today.

Agricultural resources used the hybrid process for wheat to accommodate the baking industry's mechanical requirements of pliable proteins, leading to the 10-fold increase of wheat's gluten.

The processed food industry's concern for production efficiency and perception of consumer demands has focused on the bottom line with the usual disregard to negative health consequences.

Slightly different high speed methods of baking evolved over time. By artificially bleaching flour and adding "improvers" with often toxic additives and mixing the dough violently, loaves of bread could be baked, cooled, and packaged within a few, short hours. Cheap, unhealthy foods for many with massive profits for a few.

This is beginning to change with measures that seem to offset gluten's damage for some. For example, Whole Foods has their own bakery providing fresh breads daily without bromides, which can displace the thyroid gland's iodine contents and create hypothyroidism.

Other local bakeries may provide sprouted grain and real sourdough breads, which even some celiac sufferers manage to consume without adverse reactions.

If you wish to cut out wheat products completely, beware of gluten free products. Most contain high glycemic substitutes and GMOs. (

Sources for this article include:

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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Aaron Swartz

Visionary internet activist Aaron Swartz found dead; was this brilliant internet revolutionary 'taken out?'

(NaturalNews) Adding to the list of mysterious deaths that have happened over the last few days, internet visionary and brilliant internet activist Aaron Swartz was found dead yesterday. Swartz, only 26 years old, was the co-founder of, the co-creator of RSS technology, and the key activist who achieved a stunning defeat of the freedom-crushing SOPA / PIPA bills in the U.S. Congress.

Swartz was found dead yesterday, and the official story is that he committed suicide. But Swartz himself would have wanted us to question the official story and dig deeper.

After all, his own website, Demand Progress, questions the "PROTECT-IP" act, the insanity of George Bush's Patriot Act, the censorship of free speech by Facebook, the financial scams of Goldman Sachs, the internet kill switch and much more.

He even questioned the TSA's naked body scanners, just like I have here at Natural News.

In fact, when I look at Aaron Swartz, I see him as the next generation of American activists who we all desperately need: energized, intelligent, freedom-loving critical thinkers who spread truth and beat back tyranny and oppression at every opportunity. It's quite clear that had Swartz not been assassinated (er, I mean "suicided"), he would have gone on to be a game changer for freedom in our world.

Swartz was targeted by the system

Click here to watch this important video in which Swartz describes the decentralization of information on a free internet. Swartz fully understood the power of setting information free, and this is exactly the opposite of what the corporate-government-industrial-complex wants, which is the monopolization and centralization of power.

Click here to watch another important video in which Swartz describes how he and his friends defeated SOPA. In this video, he openly describes the government's proposed copyright legislation as a "tyranny."

Like all truth-tellers, Swartz was branded an enemy by the system. For the act of downloading thousands of academic articles from MIT (yes, academic papers), he was hounded by the FBI, arrested and charged with crimes that could have earned him up to 50 years in prison.

From the charges that were leveled against him for the relatively mild offense of downloading academic papers, it's very clear that somebody powerful was out to destroy him.

Apparently they did just that.

Who benefits from the death of Aaron Swartz?

Who benefits? Hollywood and all its tyrannical copyright-pushing maniacs who want to criminalize anyone who downloads a movie off the internet.

The MPAA, in other words. That's the Motion Picture Association of America. Former U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd is the key lobbyist representing the MPAA. He's now the chairperson and CEO of the MPAA, which has a long history of operating much like a mafia organization in its use of threats and mafia-style intimidation tactics.

In fact, if the MPAA joined with the RIAA (recording industry association), it would create the MAFIAA, jokes one website. See also

Would this mafia pay good money to have Aaron Swartz killed? (Are you kidding me? Do I even have to answer this question?)

Mysterious deaths of people who question government now becoming more frequent

The official explanation is that Swartz "hanged himself" with a rope in his own apartment. I'm certain that sooner or later additional information will come out about how he also knocked out his own teeth and beat himself badly before hanging himself, because that's the way these "suicides" of activists usually turn out.

Swartz's death is just one of many mysterious deaths that have recently taken place. Just a few days ago, a celebrated rifle manufacturer named John Noveske was killed in a mysterious car crash -- not long after posting details of all the school shooters who were taking psychiatric drugs.

Another prominent internet technology pioneer committed "suicide" just over a year ago. Ilya Zhitomirskiy co-created Diaspora, the so-called 'Facebook-killer' technology that created a free, decentralized technology system that posed a severe threat to the data-mining monopoly of Facebook.

It has also been reported and confirmed that radio host Alex Jones was stalked by gun-toting goons while in New York to appear on CNN. They tried to force him into some sort of altercation, but he escaped by hailing a cab and fleeing the area.

The next day, CNN guests announced live on the air that Piers Morgan should shoot Alex Jones with an AR-15, and they even threatened Alex's children with a thinly-veiled comment about "I hope his children don't die."

Furthermore, another person I know who is a powerful activist for truth and freedom was very nearly killed yesterday in what looks like a planned automobile accident. He doesn't yet wish to release his name or any further details, but from what he described to me, he was just "inches" away from being turned into roadkill.

As these mysterious deaths start to add up, intelligent people are asking questions: Is this part of a deliberate assassination campaign to take out top activists who question the government?

It's not an unreasonable question given our current political climate and the existence of Obama's secret kill list. Even Ron Paul has openly asked the question of who is on Obama's kill list.

I am NOT suicidal, depressed or on any drugs or medications

For the record, no one has attempted to kill me in at least the last 18 months. I am not aware of any threats against me, and I haven't noticed anyone following me or stalking me.

But just for the record, in case something happens to me, I am NOT suicidal or depressed or unhappy with life. I'm thrilled to be alive, thrilled to keep moving humanity forward, and thrilled to be part of what can only be called a mass awakening of spiritual freedom in our world.

I'm not taking any medications whatsoever (and haven't for decades), I do not drink alcohol, I do not use ANY recreational drugs whatsoever, I don't visit prostitutes and I'm not in any way a violent person. In fact, I can't even stand the thought of shooting animals (which is why I don't hunt). I actually avoid stepping on ants!

I don't drive at fast speeds on the highway, I don't engage in dangerous hobbies like skydiving, and I'm actually very safety-minded about everything I do.

While I take precautions to protect myself from bad people, I'm obviously not going to detail those on the internet. All I can say is that if someone comes to kill me, they'd better be ready to take some casualties in the process.

I very much doubt people like Aaron Swartz knew much about self defense. He probably didn't even own a gun. But this is a lesson all activists need to take to heart right now: Get armed. Go get trained in basic self defense. Start moving through your environments (cities, streets, parking lots, apartment buildings, etc.) with more of a "tactical" mindset.

Be aware of your surroundings. Stop using credit cards as they instantly reveal your physical location. Turn off your cell phones and remove their batteries whenever possible.

If you don't learn to live a lot like a fugitive, you too might soon be "suicided" as part of what appears to be a national purge of the very best humanity has to offer.

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

Neurodegenerative Disease

CoQ10 helps heal neurodegenerative disease: Study

(NaturalNews) Most of us know the value of CoQ10 for heart health. Now a recent case report has demonstrated that CoQ10 may be of value for reversing even extreme neurodegenerative diseases. This case report involved a 75-year-old with what is considered one of the most irreversible progressive neurodegenerative diseases known: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as Lou Gehrig's disease.

Lou Gehrig was a New Yankee star who was forced to retire at age 35 due to his ALS. His farewell speech in completely-filled Yankee stadium in 1939 is one of sport's most touching moments. Of course soon after that memorable farewell speech, Lou died.

Though ALS occurs rarely, the life expectancy for those afflicted with ALS is two to five years for most.

Why this case study is important

ALS affects the skeletal muscular nerve impulses that control contraction and function. It may start with chronic twitching, cramping, and muscular weakness. Then it spreads to total muscular atrophy including the inability to eat, swallow, or breathe, and slurred speech.

A Japanese medical scientist, unnamed in the reports, allowed colleagues to do a clinical evaluation of CoQ10 for ALS on him. The 75-year-old scientist had been diagnosed with onset ALS in the year 2000. By 2005, it had progressed to the point of interfering with his most common mundane activities.

Excerpt from the report: "(He) ... was treated with a highly bioavailable form of coenzyme Q10 (solubilized ubiquinol, Tishcon Corp., NY), starting at 200 mg, twice daily for 4 weeks (at which point he already experienced improvements), followed by 500 mg, twice daily, and then back down to 200 mg twice daily..."

His improvements were significant with most of his voluntary motor activity returning along with restoring his grip. The rate of muscular weakening was lowered as well. The unnamed scientist patient was still surviving and managing when the CoQ10 study was reported in The Open Nutraceuticals Journal of September 2012.

That's pretty impressive for a progressive neurological disease diagnosed when he was 70 and treated with CoQ10 when he was 75. He passed the 80-year mark in 2012. If CoQ10 treatment can do this forALS, what might it do for other neurological diseases such as MS (multiple sclerosis), Parkinson's or Alzheimer's diseases?

Other CoQ10 neurodegenerative studies

Studies performed on mice and dogs proved that CoQ10 protected and reversed chemically induced brain and nervous system damage by restoring brain and nerve cell metabolism.

It would be a little more humane to experiment using a harmless supplement on humans already afflicted with a neurological disorder than inducing those disorders on helpless animals, but that's science for you. The complete report with medical details can be linked from source (2) below.

The potent antioxidant capabilities of CoQ10 are worthy of application for both heart and brain/nerve health. Just make sure it's in a very bioavailable form.

Taken as directed it will help protect against neurological disorders. And CoQ10 can be taken safely with larger doses for therapeutic interventions on existing neurological maladies.

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