Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chaga Mushroom

Mushroom found on birch tree holds promise as a potent anti-cancer tonic
(NaturalNews) A little known mushroom is establishing a solid reputation in medical circles as a powerful defense against cancer. Although relatively unheard of in mainstream media, the chaga mushroom has been used in folk medicine for generations. Research has shown chaga to be extremely effective in protecting cellular DNA from damaging free radicals. It also has anti-tumor and immune stimulating benefits.

Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) is a fungus that grows on birch and other hardwood trees. The variety that is found on birch is believed to be the most potent because of its high concentration of betulinic acid which is toxic to cancer cells. Chaga is unusual in the mushroom world as it resembles porous wood and is black and hard - similar to lumpy charcoal. Natives of China, Siberia, Finland, Japan, Poland, and North America have all recognized chaga's importance for centuries. Russian author and Nobel laureate Alexandr Solzhenitsyn is given credit for introducing chaga to the West where the principal character in his novel Cancer Ward is cured of his illness by the mushroom.

Healing properties

Several studies support chaga's medicinal value. Researchers at Kyunghee University in Seoul, South Korea examined chaga's effectiveness in protecting cellular DNA. Cells were treated with chaga mushroom extract then exposed to oxidative stress. The extract-treated cells had 40 percent less DNA mutation compared with the untreated cells. In another study, Japanese researchers discovered that chaga had higher levels of cell protective antioxidants than other medicinal mushrooms included in the investigation. Chaga has been shown to be effective against cancers of the liver, uterus, breast, colon, skin, cervix and lung. It also attacks tumor cells without disturbing healthy tissue. Additionally, this mushroom has been found to be antiviral and anti-inflammatory.

Chaga mushroom is nutrient rich. Sterols, flavonoids, polysaccharides, polyphenols, vitamins and minerals are just a few of the constituents found in chaga. Immune function is enhanced by the beta glucans present in the mushroom which activate T-cell activity and the production of antibodies.

Methods of consumption

Chaga can be taken as a tea, applied to the skin, consumed as a powder or inhaled as smoke. For a traditional tea, dissolve one teaspoon of the dehydrated mushroom in one cup of water. Recommended dosage for alcohol extract (1:5 tincture): 40-60 drops, two to three times a day.

Sources for this article include:

"Chaga Mushroom" Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Retrieved on July 26, 2012 from:

"Chaga mushroom health benefit, review of effect on immune system and cancer" Ray Sahelian MD. Retrieved on July 26, 2012 from:

"Benefits and Properties of Chaga Mushroom" Malja Haavisto, August 17, 2009, Natural Medicine at Suite 101. Retrieved on July 26, 2012 from:

About the author:
Carolanne enthusiastically believes if we want to see change in the world, we need to be the change. As a nutritionist, natural foods chef and wellness coach, Carolanne has encouraged others to embrace a healthy lifestyle of organic living, gratefulness and joyful orientation for over 13 years. Through her website she looks forward to connecting with other like-minded people from around the world who share a similar vision.

Read her other articles on Natural News here:

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Rosemary and its benefits

Rosemary - Boost your memory with this nutritional powerhouse and super antioxidant

(NaturalNews) Its rich scent, prominent historical presence, and deeply-symbolic significance throughout the ages has earned the rosemary herb quite an honorable status in many cultures around the world. And a significant portion of rosemary's legacy involves the incredible soothing, nourishing, and healing properties possessed by this amazing herb, including its ability to improve memory and protect the body against cancer, among other benefits.

Rosemary has long been appreciated as a symbol of friendship, commitment, loyalty, and remembrance, as it was often used in both weddings and funerals of old to bring to mind each of these important facets of civilized humanity. The herb has also long been used medicinally to relieve and even cure chronic health conditions like gout, for instance, or rheumatoid arthritis.

Long before humans were able to identify scientifically how rosemary works to improve health, civilizations of old were using the herb as an antiseptic to kill harmful germs, and as a mechanism by which to improve blood flow to the brain, which aids in boosting memory. There are so many medicinal uses for rosemary, in fact, that even Biblical accounts of this precious herb refer to it as a cleansing agent of choice for purifying the body.

"Rosemary is a much-cherished symbolic and medicinal herb with a history that goes back for thousands of years," says a Body Ecology piece on rosemary. "Since ancient times it was a symbol of friendship, loyalty, and remembrance. Brides wore rosemary wreathes as a symbol of their love and fidelity, believing that this beautiful herb was a gift from the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite."

Protect your DNA with rosemary

One of rosemary's most powerful medicinal functions is its ability to prevent malignant mutations of human DNA, particularly in the liver and bronchial cells, which in turn helps to prevent the development of cancer cells and tumors. Because it is also rich in free radical-fighting antioxidants, rosemary can effectively protect cell membranes from being damaged, as well as protect brain cells from destruction.

As far as brain function and memory are concerned, rosemary has a stimulating effect on the mind in that it promotes healthy blood flow to brain tissue, and cleanses blood all along the way. Rosemary also prevents the degradation of acetylcholine, a nervous system neurotransmitter that is responsible for maintaining proper memory and cognitive acuity.

Fight candida with rosemary

Beyond its antioxidant and memory-boosting capacities, rosemary can also help improve circulation; relieve muscle, nerve, and sciatic pain; help clear up eczema and other skin conditions, relieve rheumatism, boost liver function, eliminate bad breath, boost immune function, cure adrenal fatigue, improve digestion, and kill harmful bacteria.

Rosemary is also said to possess unique anti-fungal properties that make it a powerful tool in fighting the debilitating yeast overgrowth condition known as candida, or candida albicans, from which thousands of people now suffer. Because of its unique ability to fight harmful bacteria and fungi while preserving that which is beneficial, rosemary is also a great, natural alternative to antibacterial drugs, which tend to disrupt proper bacterial balance by killing off all living organisms within the body.

Sources for this article include:

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lemonade Freedom Day

Join us for the biggest food freedom event of 2012 - Lemonade Freedom Day

(NaturalNews) Coming up in just a few short days is an amazing opportunity to join thousands of other like-minded individuals in taking a unified stand for health and food freedom. From Friday, August 17, to Saturday, August 18, the Raw Milk Freedom Riders (RMFR) will help co-host Lemonade Freedom Day, a special two-day event in the Washington, D.C., area that aims to educate the public about how to demonstrate peaceful non-compliance in the face of tyranny, as well as how to rally and organize others to do the same.

In the tradition of earlier raw milk freedom rides, which drew attention to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)'s continued assault on raw milk sales and consumption (, Lemonade Freedom Day will raise awareness about the importance of defending our collective freedom of voluntary exchange, or the freedom to peacefully buy and sell the foods of our choice from the producers of our choice without government oppression.

Raw milk dairies, lemonade stands, home gardens, and various other independent food suppliers and producers have been the target of an increasing number of government crackdowns in recent years. Citing things like lack of permits and various other violations of the law, local and federal agents have made it their new priority to threaten, fine, and even raid the properties of individuals that buy and sell food outside the system, including young children that are simply trying to make a few extra bucks selling refreshing beverages to their neighbors on hot days.

"Two groups of activists known as the Raw Milk Freedom Riders and Lemonade Freedom Day are taking their raw milk and lemonade to the lawn of the U.S. Capitol to celebrate what they call their right to 'voluntary exchange,'" says the official announcement by Lemonade Freedom Day, which is headed by health freedom activist Robert Fernandes.

"Recent shut downs of children's lemonade stands and SWAT-style raids on small farmers have inspired these mothers and other activists to take their message to the Capitol where they plan to risk criminal charges, and possibly jail, by gathering for a picnic with these illicit foods. Media are invited to witness the peaceful exchange."

Beginning at 2:00 pm on Friday, August 17, a workshop entitled "Knowing Your Rights" will take place in the D.C. area, followed by a farm-fresh dinner. Speakers will include Farm Food Freedom Coalition co-founder Liz Reitzig, Executive Producer of Max Kane, and many others. The suggested donation cost for the workshop and dinner is $30 per person.

Day two of the event will commence at 12:00 pm at 3rd Street Southwest between Maryland and Jefferson Streets near the Capitol Reflecting Pool. Event attendees will practice civil disobedience by drinking fresh milk, lemonade, and other foods and beverages that have been the target of government officials.

To learn more about Lemonade Freedom Day, be sure to visit:

You can also sign up for the workshop and dinner on August 17 by visiting:

The Lemonade Freedom Day Facebook page can be accessed here:

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Vitamin D and Bone Fractures

High-dose vitamin D needed to prevent bone fractures

(NaturalNews) If you had a major health risk you could mitigate with an inexpensive yet very effective, safe, easy treatment, would you do it - or would you think it's too good to be true? A new analysis of multiple studies on vitamin D has proven its effectiveness at preventing broken bones in elderly individuals. Yet, perhaps because there are no lobbyists for vitamin D or because of the disinformation out there, considering vitamin D usage for people with a high risk of fracture is a low priority in the medical world.

Why vitamin D is so important

Essential to good health, Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin required for the absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorous. It protects against muscle weakness, regulates heartbeat, and is necessary for normal blood clotting and thyroid function. It enhances immunity, and is essential in preventing many types of cancer, osteoporosis, and hypocalcemia. In fact, more than 2,000 genes (approx. 1/6 of the human genome) are regulated by vitamin D, affecting the proliferation and death of cells. Vitamin D helps boost mood and brain function. It helps prevent chronic and degenerative diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, protects your heart, strengthen bones, prevents premature aging, helps guard against influenza, reduces severity of asthma, promotes hair growth, etc. Vitamin D is essential for mobility and bodily functions.

Low levels of vitamin D are also associated with increased risk of hip fractures. You need vitamin D to be able to utilize calcium you get from food. Around 300,000 people are hospitalized with hip fractures each year, and many die from complications after surgery, and many more survive but with severely diminished mobility and are therefore unable to live independently.

Why the elderly are at higher risk

It is estimated that three quarters of Americans are deficient in vitamin D. Deficiency in vitamin D can manifest in many ways. According to Bach, problems from deficiency may include: heart disease, birth defects, depression, hypertension, stroke, dementia, fibromyalgia, impaired bone mineralization, skin, breast, prostate and other cancers, multiple sclerosis, insomnia, eye problem, problems with pregnancy, and other chronic disease.

At closer to 95 percent deficient, the elderly are not only more likely to be deficient but also have a higher need for the benefits of vitamin D. They are also more likely to be on multiple prescriptions, such as cholesterol reducing drugs, that interfere with absorption, cause side-effects that vitamin D could help mitigate, and are more likely to spend their time indoors, not getting sun exposure. The most active form of vitamin D is the most natural kind, D3. It is synthesized in the skin in response to the sun's ultraviolet rays. There is a cholesterol compound in the skin that is a precursor of vitamin D. The vitamin D we get from food and supplements is not fully active until it goes through the liver and kidneys, where it is converted, then it circulates through the blood like a hormone. It is not possible for most people to consume enough vitamin D thorough diet alone.

Natural remedies of all kinds are often thought to be too good to be true, but do some research on your own and you'll find that most of them have been around far longer than what the medical establishment most often recommends. If they didn't work, they wouldn't have been used for thousands of years.

Supplementing your health with high quality, food-based vitamins is an inexpensive and effective insurance policy. As long as it is made from food, it can't hurt you and won't interfere with your medications. Don't buy vitamins from the grocery store or other big box chains. Go to a health food store where you can talk to a qualified, knowledgeable person who will help you find some good choices. Then, go home and research them some more - call the company, ask what source they use to make their vitamins. It's worth this initial legwork to be sure you are spending your money wisely, and getting what you intend. Most Americans can't go wrong adding a vitamin D supplement to their health practices.

Sources for this article include:

Balch, Phyllis, CNC. Prescription for Nutritional Healing. p. 21.

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Testicular torsion (twisted balls)

Scientists warn that tight, trendy jeans cause 'testicular torsion' (twisted balls)

(NaturalNews) Fashion statements that are unhealthy are nothing new in this modern world. The controversy over bras linked to breast cancer is supported by the fact that they do impede breast lymph flow, which is needed for draining toxins from tissues.

Tattoo inks contain a myriad of heavy metals. Red tattoo inks often contain mercury, and tattoos pierce the skin leaving the ink permanently embedded. Seems like a foolish way to make a fashion statement to this author, even while living in one of the top tattooed cities in the USA, Austin, TX.

Then there are high heels that women somehow manage to dance with and even navigate while walking on cobblestone pavement. Sexually appealing to most men, they have to cause problems for gals, and they do.

Injuries from falls, twisted ankles, bunions or malformed toes, even poor posture from adjusting to wearing heels are fairly common for women who wear heels often.

One-upping the bra controversy, breast enlargement implanting is one of the top contenders for first prize as the modern world's most obvious fashion statement health hazard.

The lawsuits were flying with claims of breast cancer and other auto-immune diseases linked to synthetic breast implants in the USA during the 1980s and 90s. The claims were against the principal manufacturer of silicone breast implants, Dow Corning.

They all lead to a multi-billion dollar class action settlement from that company, which had to declare bankruptcy immediately after. Their bankruptcy protection ended in 2004. Looks like Dow should have stuck with selling their silicone products for industrial or mechanical applications.

The latest fashion statement might take the lead as the most unhealthy. But this one is exclusively a guy thing. Wearing excessively tight jeans known as skinny jeans has caught on big among young men in the UK.

Skinny jean health consequences

They have been discovered to cause bladder problems and testicular torsion. In this case, the jeans you're wearing "have you by the balls" mate.

A study of 2000 British men found one in 10 men wearing skinny jeans incurred testicular torsion from skinny jeans. Others complained of bladder problems or urinary infections causing some to slack off skinny jean use and avoid permanent bladder damage.

The testicular malady is created by the tight jeans' constricting free movement of the spermatic cord, which then gets twisted, creating testicular torsion. This cuts off blood the supply and can lead to gangrene.

While a direct connection to tight clothing and low sperm counts has not been researched, it has been noted that sperm counts tend to be higher among men who wear boxer shorts for underwear instead of those tight fitting briefs.

Here's a potential win-win for the bad guys

(Twisted sarcasm warning) The eugenics bunch can use this by promoting skinny jeans via mainstream news and the entertainment media along with the clothing industry. Posters featuring Bill Gates in skinny jeans can be widely distributed.

Then the Gates Foundation can enlist Big Pharma to create an anti-testicular torsion vaccine, which will be worthless and dangerous as usual, to counter the emerging skinny jeans health scares.

Men will want to make sure they're in with the latest fashion fad. So they'll get vaccinated with three booster shots, all endangering their health, their DNA, and their lives, while their sperm counts continue descending from twisted spermatic cords in their testicles to ensure infertility.

This can be yet another way to slyly depopulate in plain sight while keeping those still around unhealthy and in need of pharmaceuticals. The Medical Mafia will continue enjoying their large revenues as the death counts start exceeding the newborn rates.

Sources for this article include:

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

NASA's Curiosity Rover

NASA's Curiosity rover and its parachute were spotted by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter as Curiosity descended to the surface on Aug. 5 PDT (Aug. 6 EDT). (Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona)

Alzheimer's is really just 'type-3' diabetes

Alzheimer's is really just 'type-3' diabetes, new research shows

(NaturalNews) Emerging research on the widespread degenerative brain disease known as Alzheimer's suggests that this prevalent form of dementia is actually a type of diabetes. Published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, a recent study out of Rhode Island Hospital (RIH) confirms that Alzheimer's is marked by brain insulin resistance and corresponding inflammation, a condition that some researchers are now referring to as type-3 diabetes.

Dr. Suzanne de la Monte from RIH is the one responsible for making this fascinating connection, having found in her research that diabetes is closely associated with several key neuronal factors implicated in dementia. It turns out that Alzheimer's progresses as a result of the brain developing resistance to insulin, which in turn prevents proper lipid (fat) metabolism. Over time, these lipids build up in the brain rather than properly absorb, which results in increased stress and inflammation, as well as the symptoms commonly associated with dementia.

"This study points out that once AD (Alzheimer's Disease) is established, therapeutic efforts should target several different pathways -- not just one," says Dr. de la Monte. "The reason is that a positive feedback loop gets going, making AD progress. We have to break the vicious cycle. Restoring insulin responsiveness and insulin depletion will help, but we need to reduce brain stress and repair the metabolic problems that cause the brain to produce toxins."

Eating more healthy saturated fats like coconut oil can help prevent, cure Alzheimer's

Since many elderly individuals that have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's take statin drugs to lower their cholesterol levels, the first logical step would be to stop taking these drugs. Not only have statins been shown to cause and exacerbate Alzheimer's, they have also been shown to cause diabetes. So taking them, as many elderly dementia patients do, runs contrary to common sense, and will only make the problem worse.

As we covered recently here at NaturalNews, the human body needs cholesterol in order to stay healthy. If your cholesterol levels are too high, or if cholesterol is clogging your arteries, it means that your body has an inflammation problem that is preventing the proper absorption and use of cholesterol. Cholesterol is not the problem, in other words -- your body's chronic inflammation is the problem. (

Consuming more healthy saturated fats like coconut oil can not only help repair the inflammation problem that promotes the progression of Alzheimer's, but it can also increase the absorption of cholesterol in the brain, which in turn promotes healthy neuronal function. ( Such advice runs contrary to the mainstream medical system's misguided philosophies about health, but science actually shows that the human body requires saturated fats and cholesterol, and that these fats are vital for maintaining optimal brain health.

"[W]hile it is positive to see studies like this help us understand some of the causes of Alzheimer's Disease, turning to drugs to treat these symptoms is heading in the wrong direction," says Health Impact News (HIN) about the RIH study. "Type-2 and type-3 diabetes is a lifestyle issue, and can be controlled or even prevented by dietary choices and avoiding too many drugs. There has also been tremendous success in controlling and eliminating diabetes through a low-carb and high-fat diet."

Sources for this article include:

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Top summer superfoods

Try some of these top summer superfoods to help you cool off

(NaturalNews) As many areas of the country perspire their way through record-breaking summer heat, staying hydrated is of the essence, as is keeping your body nourished with life-giving, health-promoting superfoods. And since warm and hot foods are not always desirable during this time of year, here are a few "cool" superfood ideas to help you beat the heat and nurture your palate.

Cucumbers - Fibrous and mostly composed of water, the cucumber is one of the most effective "cooling" foods as its juice helps to lower body temperature. Cucumber seeds also contain cucurbitin, an amino acid, linoleic acid, and various other fatty acids that soothe the body both internally and externally. Try slicing some cucumbers for breakfast, or making a cucumber sandwich for lunch -- you might be surprised at how healthy you feel.

Melons - Gently sweet and refreshingly succulent, watermelon, honeydew, and cantaloupe are among the most popular summertime melons. Each one is composed of roughly 95 percent water, and about five percent natural fruit sugar. Melons are also rich in varying levels of vital enzymes, vitamins and minerals, and electrolytes, which make them an ideal food for replenishing the water and nutrients lost while sweating on those hot summer days.

Strawberries - An iconic summertime treat, the strawberry is refreshing, nutritious, and delicious. The fruit, which is a member of the rose family, is high in vitamin C, the trace mineral manganese, antioxidants, and various other nutrients and enzymes that promote good health. Just be sure to buy pesticide-free or organic strawberries rather than conventional, as the latter tend to be among the most toxic when it comes to chemical contamination.

Radishes - You may not necessarily think of them as an ideal summertime treat, but radishes are actually an excellent addition to your healthy, summertime diet. A powerful cleansing vegetable, the radish is both pungent and sweet, depending on the variety, and can be eaten raw, or added to salads or gazpachos. You can also throw some radishes into a pilaf or cucumber salad for a tasty, filling snack that will help stimulate healthy digestion and promote healthy liver and gallbladder function.

Mint - There are so many unique ways to use mint, particularly when it comes to summertime beverages and light fare, that a quick snippet on this healing herb hardly does it justice. But it is worth mentioning, as mint can be added to tea, lemonade, vegetables salads, marinades, smoothies, sorbets, and cocktails. Rich in fiber, iron, copper, calcium, folic acid, and omega-3 fatty acid concentrates, mint not only livens up food and beverages, but it also calms intestinal inflammation and fights harmful bacteria.

Chia seeds - Popularized by the well-known television infomercial for the pet by the same name, chia is a hydrating, rejuvenating, and lubricating superfood seed that provides lasting energy and sustained vigor, even during the heat of the day. Try adding soaked or gelled chia seeds to things like smoothies, juices, breakfast cereals, and salads to up your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, and ease inflammation throughout your body.

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Protect yourself from West Nile virus naturally

Protect yourself from West Nile virus naturally

(NaturalNews) Mosquitoes are on the rise this summer, and several cases of West Nile virus infections from mosquitoes have been reported in Texas along with a few deaths. Other states have reported cases of West Nile virus infections as well.

After first appearing in the U.S. in New York in 1999, the virus spread throughout the nation. The worst of West Nile infections occurred during 2002 and 2003. Then severe illness reactions occurred to almost 3,000 with over 260 deaths in the USA.

Last year was a slow year for West Nile, as fewer than 700 cases were reported. But the CDC has announced that the disease is off to an early start this year. Some experts are citing heavy rainfall, especially in normally dry areas, that could create a situation similar to 2002 and 2003.

The viral infection can be transmitted from mosquitoes who feed off the blood of infected birds that act as vectors for the virus. Mosquitoes feeding off birds can suck the virus to infect humans and mammals before the birds die.

The good news is that humans and animals don't transmit the disease to other humans and animals. Other good news is that 80 percent of humans who get infected don't even show symptoms.

Those who do show symptoms usually manifest within the range of a bad case of the flu, except for the unlucky one out of 150 cases that get severe symptoms including paralysis, permanent neurological damage, or even death.

It's generally recognized that the best remedy is to prevent mosquito bites.

Mosquito repellents

The conventional toxic drug endorsement is for insect repellents containing DEET. They advise a 20 to 30 percent level of DEET to avoid adverse reactions. But any amount of DEET is hazardous to the neurological system. Even if you don't keel over dead, you may be harmed.

Fortunately, there are some good, natural alternatives:

Neem oil was researched by scientists at the Malaria Institute in India. They concluded that Neem oil was superior to repellents containing DEET, and their findings were confirmed by the Journal of the Mosquito Control Association and the National Research Council.

Soy oil repellents were found to be as effective as DEET repellents, according to a New England Journal of Medicine report. Just make sure the soy oil source is at least non-GMO. Organic soy is best.

Catnip oil was found to be considerably more effective than DEET in Iowa Universtiy lab experiments, 10 times more effective. But the testing was not done on mammals.

Citronella and Lavender oils are traditional and acceptable insect repellents. But don't use their fragrance products. Use the essential oils diluted in water or dilute them in a natural skin

Eucalyptus oil is the subject of controversy on several internet sites advocating natural insect repellents. Some consider Listerine, the mouthwash, to contain enough eucalyptus while others doubt the oil's content in Listerine to be sufficient.

But there is a lemon-eucalyptus spray on the market that protects against mosquitoes called Repel Lemon Eucalyptus Repellent that has been tested successfully. It lasts longer than low DEET solutions but not as long as high DEET solutions. So spray a little more often.

Many health food stores and herbalists carry at least some of these oils. Concentrated essential oils can be toxic. So dilute them enough to maintain potency while keeping them non-toxic.

If you miss out on getting mosquito protection and get early flu signs after any mosquito bites, use a potent natural anti-viral flu medicine extracted from elderberry that you can purchase for short term and make as a tincture for the long term. (

Sources for this article include:

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Friday, August 3, 2012

100 home remedies

When life gives you lemons, make 100 home remedies to improve your health

(NaturalNews) When life gives you lemons, make lemonade and dozens of other foods and home remedies from this versatile fruit. Lemon's health benefits are due to the high concentration of vitamins B and C, antioxidants, protein, flavonoids, phosphorus, potassium, carbohydrates and volatile oils. Whether you're using this superfood to prevent kidney stones or making lemon-flavored cake icing, you'll reap the benefits in flavor and good health.

Lemon juice was used in ancient Egypt to undo the effects of food poisoning; and in India, Ayurvedic practitioners prescribed lemon peel to treat liver ailments. The Sicilians used lemon peel to make pickling brine and multiple cultures used it to prevent scurvy. Both the peel and juice of lemons are still widely used today to cleanse and tonify the liver.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice possesses antibacterial, antiviral and immune-building properties. It fights disease and infection with high levels of bioflavonoids, pectin, limonene, citric acid, magnesium, calcium and vitamins. It stimulates digestion, promoting weight loss.

~ Mix lemon juice and water and swish to relieve a sore throat or canker sores. Add salt and gargle for tonsillitis.
~ Add lemon juice to hot tea and honey to reduce a fever, fight the flu, relieve nausea, and lessen a chill
~ Drink lemon juice to fight fatigue and replace electrolytes after vigorous exercise or overheating
~ Stop a nose bleed with lemon juice applied to cotton and placed in the nostril
~ Eliminate gall stones with lemon juice and olive oil
~ Reduce hypertension and lower LDL cholesterol with lemon juice home remedies. Prevent diabetes, relieve constipation, strengthen gums and teeth, cure kidney stones, heart disease and strokes, lower body temperature, and fight cancer with lemons.

Hot lemon water

~ First thing in the morning, a glass of warm lemon water flushes the system, relieves edema, acts as a diuretic, aids digestion, fights hunger cravings, promotes weight loss and helps prevent coffee cravings
~ Relieve chest congestion and coughing, reduce allergies, clear the palate and freshen breath

Topical applications

~ Lemon juice clears the skin, reduces acne, softens wrinkles, removes age spots, blemishes, scars and cleanses excess oils. The vitamin C, citric acid and alkaline properties fight bacteria both internally and on the skin.
~ Make an overnight home remedy with a slice of lemon as a poultice to remove corns and calluses
~ Relieve eczema with lemon oil, honey and warm water poultices
~ Mix lemon oil and honey and apply to soothe a bug bite
~ Combine lemon oil and water to make natural insect repellant
~ Eliminate varicose veins with applications of lemon oil mixed with almond, avocado or jojoba oil

Balances pH

~ Lemon juice creates an alkaline-forming environment to balance the body's pH as well as restoring balance by providing vitamin C and high levels of potassium
~ Reduce acidosis and relieve arthritis, fibromyalgia and rheumatism pains with the alkalizing effects of lemon juice

Lemon peel

~ Lemon peel reduces cramping and gas pains while it aids digestion; it increases circulation, stimulates urination and strengthens the immune system. The pith in lemon peel contains pectin, which helps chelate toxins and heavy metals.

Mental and emotional uses for lemon

~ Lemon balm is calming and relaxing and can relieve bouts of anxiety, nervousness and tension
~ Lemon oil relieves fatigue and increases alertness and cognitive function
~ Promote sleep and reduce tension with a mixture of lemon balm, valerian, chamomile and hops as bedtime tea

Non-medicinal uses for lemons

~ Remove stains from coffee and tea cups
~ Deodorize the garbage disposal
~ Flavoring in cooking and baking
~ Polishing mirrors and furniture
~ Making lemonade
~ As bath oil and in potpouri
~ Making candy and confections
~ Rinse hair with lemon water to increase shine

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
JB Bardot is trained in herbal medicine and homeopathy, and has a post graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Bardot cares for both people and animals, using alternative approaches to health care and lifestyle. She writes about wellness, green living, alternative medicine, holistic nutrition, homeopathy, herbs and naturopathic medicine. READ HER OTHER ARTICLES ON NATURAL NEWS HERE: You can find her on Facebook at or on Twitter at jbbardot23!/jbbardot23

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Synthetic vitamins

Synthetic vitamins fuel sickness while enriching the corrupt medical industry
(NaturalNews) Are you taking a multi-vitamin that's killing you slowly? Did you think you were doing the right thing by jiggling that little pill out of its container and washing it down your throat every day in the name of health and wellness? Which ones are you taking; One-a-day, Centrum, Equate, or maybe you just picked up some of Sam's club's "Members Mark Complete?" Sounds like a real winner! Wait a second, it could be even worse. You might have gone and done the unthinkable, and you bought your children Flintstones vitamins. Tell me it's not true.

Have you really read the label, researched any of the synthetic additives, or checked out the "other ingredients," or did you just figure that was irrelevant? If you are guilty of taking any of the aforementioned supplements, it's time to buy some liver, kidney, and colon detoxification, and you better educate yourself about those too, because "The Man" wants you sick and dying, not avoiding toxic vitamin imposters that are NOT ABSORBABLE by the body. Dangerous, mind-blowing additives in your crappy vitamins that are listed as "other ingredients" include: talc, dyes, sodium benzoate, methylcellulose, carnauba wax, silicon and/or titanium dioxide. In all of these cases, what you don't know WILL hurt you!

In the mid-1930s, multivitamins became available in grocery stores and pharmacies. These supplements were made from natural, dried and compressed vegetable and fruit concentrates, but then, in the early 1940s, certain brands began producing synthetic tablets, and that's when the mayhem began.

Now, millions of Americans and people all over the world want to eat right and take the right vitamins to help them live a long, healthy life and be energetic all the while, but the majority of these innocent, naive, and nutritionally uneducated beings have NO CLUE that the big "brand name" vitamins on the shelves of most grocery and drug stores are synthetic toxins which not only DO NOT foster good health, but are mutagenic and carcinogenic. This means they are basically poison for the body, fueling disease and disorders, including arthritis, osteoporosis, brittle bones, cancer, and yes, Alzheimer's disease. Did you know Pfizer owns "Centrum?" Did you know Bayer owns "One-a-Day?"

Walking into a nutritional nightmare is easy if you don't know the "low down" on supplements. Dangerous supplements can reverse what you are trying to accomplish. Also, many multivitamins, especially the chewable ones, contain Aspartame, one of the leading causes of Fibromyalgia and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

"Other ingredients" usually means animal parts and cancer causing artificial sweeteners

If your vitamins come in the form of gelatin capsules, you are more than likely consuming the skin, cartilage, connective tissues and bones of diseased animals. On top of that, if your vitamins contain the artificial sweeteners Aspartame, Acesulfame Potassium, Sucralose or Sorbitol, you could be developing artificial sweetener disease (cancer) and mutating your cells, your DNA, and passing that mutagenic DNA along to future generations.

Don't feel dumb if you did not know that synthetic B-12 comes from activated sewage sludge just don't be a repeat offender! Your "corporate" made vitamins are made by pharmaceutical and chemical companies who also concocted chemotherapy. It's just another angle to handle the threat of people getting healthy from nutritional information, and so you've been deceived.

Synthetic vitamin B-12, cyanocobalamin, is made from ground up toxic cow livers and activated sewage sludge. These cow livers are overloaded with steroids and antibiotics, and the pesticides the cow assimilates from eating GMO feed, and these cows are living in CAFO's (confined animal feeding operations), where they often collapse and die slowly, while lying in their own "sludge" or fecal matter. ( Synthetic vitamin B also comes from coal tar and petro-chemicals, known to depress the central nervous system and cause respiratory ailments.

Those cheap, synthetic vitamins you're taking in hopes of maintaining proper health are deteriorating your health as quickly as fast food burgers and fries. Synthetic vitamin A comes from fish liver juices loaded with toxic PCB's and mercury. Synthetic vitamin C comes from acid blends that irritate the lining of your digestive track. It's just a chemical copy of naturally occurring ascorbic acid. This kind of fractionated, chemical acid never grew in the ground or received sunlight, but rather it's a sulfuric acid by-product. Once you swallow that pill, it's just another carcinogenic drug in your body, like MSG (monosodium glutamate) or Aspartame.

The bottom line is that the wrong vitamins are chemicals. More than 90 percent of the fake "vitamin C" in this country is manufactured in New Jersey by Hoffman-LaRoche, one of the world's largest drug manufacturers. (

Organic vitamin A has antioxidant properties, but synthetic vitamin A accomplishes just the opposite. In one study, subjects who received synthetic A - beta carotene had an eight percent higher incidence of fatal heart attacks, strokes, and lung cancer than those who got the placebo (sugar pill).

Synthetic Vitamin D is derived from irradiated oil

Synthetic vitamin D is toxic and can result in permanent deposit of minerals in the heart, lungs and kidneys. How could this be true? Because it's made from petroleum extracts, coal tar derivatives, and irradiated cattle brains. It may even contain formaldehyde and ammonia! (

Routinely contained in nearly all NON-ORGANIC vitamins are genetically engineered ingredients, pesticides, and animal drug residues, pathogens, feces, hormone-disrupting chemicals, toxic sludge, slaughterhouse waste, chemical additives, preservatives, and chemical by-products. (

The wrong kind of calcium kills you slowly

The calcium myth must be dispelled right now. If you eat and drink dairy products, including milk, yogurt and cheese, you are loading up your body with calcium, in fact, most likely, you are overloading your body with calcium. True whole food vitamins don't leech the body of their missing co-factors and don't cause a vitamin imbalance. How does Big Pharma make a fortune off your sickness? Calcium supplements! If you think the staggering numbers of people in the U.S. suffering from arthritis and osteoporosis are somehow doing so just by chance, you are DEAD WRONG. Want the good kind of calcium? Research plant-based calcium like leafy greens, kale and spinach.

No matter what the FDA says or wants you to believe, organic vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, probiotics, and enzymes are "MEDICINE," and synthetic vitamins are simply ANTI-MEDICINE - disease and disorder breeding health criminals. Get smarter. Read the labels. Ask questions. If your vitamins are not organic, then they're probably making you sick.

(and Disturbing) Facts about the Hidden History of

Learn more about the true history of modern medicine in this revealing report. Free downloadable PDF. Covers Nazi connections with Big Pharma, war crimes of Bayer, the weapons origins of prescription medications, the shocking history of psychiatric medicine and much more.